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Home — lose weight fast academylose weight fast academy — the fast and healthy way

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This programme is ONLY for those people who are sick and tired of being lied to with quick fix scams which promise instant results and have come to the correct conclusion that you have to put in time and effort to see results.

Yes losing weight is very simple, but we won’t lie to you it’s not easy. If it were easy everyone would be thin.

Everybody wants the perfect body instantly without putting in any effort which is why there are so many quick fix magic bullet scams out there.

I know this isn’t what you want to hear but we are not going to lie to you like everyone else, weight loss is hard, it takes time, it requires putting in effort and you must make big changes to what you currently do.

If you are determined to lose weight and are willing to put in the time and effort to make the required changes to transform your body, our simple step by step 8 week plan guarantees you will build health and lose a tremendous amount of weight.

But at the end of the 8 week programme you will have completely transformed your body and you will have massively improved your health.

8 weeks of hard work and effort is definitely worth it in order transform your life and become the happy confident person you deserve to be.

‘This programme saved my life. The hardest but definitely the most rewarding thing I have ever done. My life starts again now.’

‘I am known as the fad dieter! This was the best and last ‘diet’ I will go on, it was the preparation to a new way of life.’

‘The results have made me feel more confident in myself. If you have struggled like me in the past, I am proof it can be done.’

‘I recommend the diet to anybody as a life changing event. Not only have I lost significant weight, I have learnt to respect food.’

From years of research and testing on ourselves and 100s of our clients we came across the 8 most effective nutrition methods for weight loss and found that combining them in a specific order you lose weight fast without ever hitting that dreaded plateau.

No excuse for not exercising as we have created two progressive fat melting training programmes, one for the gym and the other you can do at home with your own bodyweight in just 24 minutes. Both programmes are extremely effective at melting fat and enable you to burn calories for hours after the workout has finished.

You can have the best diet and exercise programme in the world (yes ours is the best) but if you aren’t motivated to follow it then it’s useless. Our life coaching tasks are drip fed to you weekly to keep you highly motivated to stay on track whilst also helping to improve your self-esteem, confidence, career and relationships. We want to transform your life along with your body.

‘Having researched all of the best weight loss methods from Elimination diets and carb cycling to intermittent fasting and metabolic typing and testing them on myself and 100s of my clients, I became frustrated that they all lead to the dreaded plateau or weight loss slowing after just a few weeks.

I thought to myself there must be a way to keep losing weight without hitting a plateau which is when I decided to experiment using multiple fat loss methods one after another.

The 8 week Lose Weight Fast Academy you see today is the combination of years of...

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